Dating Amber: Sweetly but non-sugary exploration of first love - combining effectively hetero and homo elements

I greatly enjoyed this story, and got 100% involved - in this lovely story of two closeted teens in a Northern Irish school who decided to become a couple to give themselves respite from the constant micro and macro bullying they endured. The two central characters were marvellously endearing, as characters and performances, and the plot development and their changing relationship was very in sensitively intelligently and sympathetically charted -and not in a predictable or cliched way either.

The final resolution was both touching and plausible as well as being what one hoped - an unusual concatenation of elements that really worked well, both dramatically and emotionally, for both the characters themselves and for us, the audience.

Well worth seeking out.

Hate Crime. Thoughtfully powerful depiction of the aftermath of such, albeit with slightly over-dramatic plotting at the end

Star Trek; Into Darkness. Mildly disappointing sequel to the marvellous initial reboot film