Crimson Peak

What a fantastic film. Richly entertaining Gothic horror by a visual master the equal of Burton et al. Let's hope he doesn't fall into the Burton trap of making films on autopilot with all his trademarks tics and characteristics!

The visuals are superb in this and play a big role in the mod and atmosphere...the red clay seeping like blood through the floorboards of the decrepit Allerdale Hall ( rather too extremely isolated although this quality is essential for the story and the genre. Many elements are standard...heroine meets and marries mysterious romantic leading man, strange old house with history, inexplicable events, the fairy-tale warning about where not to go etc etc but all this mixed into a wonderful quite unusual mix with many homages to other film makers...climax of The Shining in the final scene anyone?

Colors are as important as in an Almodovar film and the contrasts were superb...the ethereal Mia W (recalling the other is who also had terrifying supernatural experiences) with that wonderful vivid yellow dress, and Jessica C's blood red dress. Yes a bit of a cliche and it signaled her character very clearly but I was swept up in the romantic and exciting mood of the story.

Hiddlestone was superb...mysteriously romantic, sinister and, finally, interesting character trajectory.

The horrors were shown just to the right extent...not so sudden and brief as to be irritating but not dwelt upon a la torture porn films.the artistic judgement as to what to show and for how long was superb and with this, and the few sexual scenes cit had a very European feel about it. More explicit than often gets in USA films but not tacky and managed to both real, romantic and erotic..a difficult combo to bring off in this area...but then one has a European director and they are not afraid of that.

The length and pacing were excellent...slow but not dragging and a thrilling climax. Only for a little bit did I feel that there were cliche scenes which one had seen before (heroine being chased by crazy with a weapon) but this was necessary and did not in any way detract from the quality of the film as a whole.

There was a very good sense of place and time. Too...early on there was a focus on the filthy streets and one realized that as characters went into house they would be absolutely filthy. In fact the whole miss en scene was superbly done and it was marvelous to see how every cinematic element supported and strengthened the other to make a really thrillingly satisfying and dramatic whole.

Great fun.

Black Mass

The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution