Dirty Grandpa


I must admit that I did ( largely) enjoy this. It was very crude, simplistic, utterly predictable and puerile, but fun. Mind you I could have done without the rather excessive emphasis, particularly at the end, on de Niro's continued and extreme sexual attractiveness...not because there is anything inherently bad or unattractive about the sexual attractiveness of an older man ( far from it)... but it was. done in a terribly crude and rather patronising manner which I felt did no one any favours.

Efron was lovely; he is good at playing very cute and sweet dopes but there is now something of a disconnect, for me, between his very attractive almost feminine and fine-featured face and the frankly rather excessively muscular body ( steroids?) that is below it. Both were on display for much of the film ( understandably). The film has been ripped by critics,which a part of me completely understands, but in spite of that, I return to my opening statement. If you do go to see it though, do know what you are letting yourself in for!

The Revenant

Oscar nominated live action shorts: 2016