Inside Out

Quite remarkable; quite, quite remarkable. Yes, the technique shown visually is superb, the story concept is fascinating but the greatest night about it is how superbly it shows human growth and the role played by apparently negative emotions and how they work with the seemingly simpler and 'better' positive ones. The were a number of great, eye-prickling moments in the film and the brilliance of the film is how certain moments in. The main characters life were revisited at a number stages in Riley's life and it was shown how time gave a different perspective on them. Real fascinating growth of a young person approaching puberty. The Personality Islands which made up R at the different stages in her emotional growth were a brilliant concept...and at the end as she has gone through trauma and grown and developed,

emotionally and physically, the new islands that appeared reflected where she was at that time..and there were more of them ( a lot more neural connections being made) some very amusing.

The last of the Imaginary Friend sequence strongly recalled a similar scene in Toy Story..won't say more as would give away too much.

Fear ( one of the key five emotions used) commented on Boy Band Island...that will probably only be temporary!

We go inside a variety of people minds in the course of the film ( very entertainingly at the start of the end credits) and there are a number of witty running gags (the Brazilian pilot!).

The short (Lava) that preceded it had visuals that were as great in anything in Studio Ghibli but the less said about the story and the song the better....

The Overnight

The Gift