The Opposite of Sex. Online file

This was an enormously entertaining film, sour and knowing, that managed to hit the marks of both acidulous black comedy and some real feeling – a great if difficult combination to achieve. This was achieved by a marvelous script which, right from the start, set the perfect tone. And tis was greatly helped by the technique of having the main character as the very meta-aware as a commentator throughout – ad wonderfully done by Christina Ricci in her best ‘adult Wednesday Addams’ persona.

Bu this was not a one-person show – all characters and performances hit their mark, not least Lisa Kudrow who shows that, (alone of the Friends cast?) she has marvelous acting, particularly comedy skills – but with a good script, not the sentimental rubbish she was given in friends, probably the most over-rated TV series in history.

And in the end, the resolution was very satisfying, emotionally and dramatically and here, as in a good number of other scenes, the emotional power of the scenes really hit home very effectively.

Quo Vadis, Aida. Online file

De Vierde Man. Online file