Last Night in Soho. Muvesz Art Mozi, Dec 7th 2021

A great little film from a very talented film-maker who seems to be able to work equally well in any genre. It is a grippingly powerful and effective evocation of Soho at the time of its seedy glory in the 60’s and the place and period and marvellously evoked in the visuals and, unsurprisingly, in the fantastic soundtrack - which, to my no-very-knowledgeable ear, did not rely solely on the popular standards and classics of that time.

It was also marvellous - and quite touching - to see performances from stars who were just starting to shine at that time - Diana Rigg, Terence Stamp (still with those astonishing blue eyes!) and Rita Tushingham.

Ass well as evoking a time and place so well, it was also a good example of an effective horror-drama where the resolution was both satisfying and plausible. Unlike many films of this type it did not lose its way or ‘go crazy’ at the end and the various elements all worked well together, helped, vitally, by a focused script and first-rate cinematography.

Very good and proof that any new film by Edgar wright is likely to be worth seeing - and one never knows exactly what the nature and genre will be.

House of Gucci. Muvesz Art Mozi. Dec 9th 2021

Spencer. Muvesz Art Mozi, Budapest, Nov 30th 2021