I have made a few changes to this home page since I set this up after my arrival in Budapest but am now completely re-writing this introduction to give a clearer picture of what is on here. Below is an indication of the contents of each section which can be accessed on the menu on the left-hand side of the Home page. If they are clearly self-explanatory, then I let the section title speak for itself.
· Amazon Prime Films. March 2021. No further additions as no longer Amazon Prime member.
· Amazon Prime Series. March 2021. No further additions as no longer Amazon Prime member.
· Art and Museum Exhibitions.
· BBC Box of Broadcasts. – access to this vast BBC resource is a benefit of doing my MA at Birmingham
· Concerts.
· Films. – seen in the cinema
· Films Cinephiles. These are the contents of my (now non-active) Facebook group Cinephiles.
· Netflix Films.
· Netflix Series.
· Performances in the Time of Coronavirus. These were streamed performances (the vast majority, unsurprisingly, opera but with some theatre) that were made specifically available for when Corona virus really started to hit everywhere, approximately from March 2020 onwards. Many were only available for a short time but some have remained up.
· Theatre. Live performances
Bibliophiles. This is subdivided into the four sections indicated below. The two ‘Revisited’ sections are brief memory-based reviews of books I own but did not review at the time of my original reading – hence possibly inaccurate brevity.
· Fiction
· Non-Fiction
· Revisited Fiction
· Revisited Non-Fiction
Reviews. These are (live) opera reviews, almost entirely and understandably Euro-centric subdivided by city then theatre name e.g. Berlin, Komische Oper. The only exceptions are the NYC Metropolitan Opera entries which were cinema relays.
Comments are welcome below each review
I have been attending opera performances from a very early age, starting with Covent Garden when I was 13. I then moved on to ENO (in the glory days of Harewood/Pountney/Elder/Mackerras and Goodall) as well.
When working in Washington DC for 15 years, opera was less impressive (Washington National Opera...) but there were some good moments. Washington Concert Opera was always a highlight as well as a couple of very small, somewhat scrappy but vividly imaginative companies that performed periodically.
Now retired and based in Budapest, I travel as much as money and time allows within Europe, actively seeking out unusual works and regie-theatre productions.