Cyber Hell; Exposing an internet horror. A dark tale of our times.

This was a grim but, sadly, an unsurprising tale of the breaking of a major online Korean child porn and blackmail ring

It was very info-intensive and the subtitles sometimes had a hard time keeping up with the speakers – and even with this there was almost too much to absorb at a time.

The film was its most impressively tense as the net finally closed on main two villains and there were, at the end, sound conclusions and final remarks made BUT in earlier part far too much of clichéd ‘atmosphere’ shots to build (unnecessary) tension and underline the points being made – characters walking slowly in dark rainy places, close-up following of feet on pavement and unnecessarily split screens.

The whole scenario was shocking but one of the most striking was one perpetrators ref’s to ‘Mum telling me to go to bed…’ Very disturbing.

But we were not told ages of two who were captured – and one slightly sinister detail I noted was that when one perpetrator, Baksa,  was shown to press, he  was wearing a neck brace…and that the real Mr Big (GodGod – another characteristically insecure-sounding moniker) only betrayed himself when Baksa was reported as regarding him as a low-quality’ producer – unsurprising insecurity of these essentially pathetic people.

The Most Hated Man on the Internet: Grimly salutary tale but with a degree of satisfying resolution

The American Meme: Somewhat more thoughtful than it at first appears although still largely surface-based, like its subjects.