Outstanding: A Comedy Revolution. A fascinatingly comprehensive history of queer comedy


This was an excellent show; too often I feel Netflix’s documentaries have a rather glib and conventionally prepared quality as if they are simply combining the latest information that is available on the subject. This however was different, using at it did a celebratory evening of Gay/Queer comedians to take a thoughtful overview of how such performers had been regarded in the past and the many issues and problems that they have had to overcome. It was a  full and illuminating picture (lengthy but never dragging) and fascinating to get this overview of changing attitudes over the years.

We were able to see, through a comprehensive series of interviewed talking heads how different generations dealt with the issues and what those issues were.

And at end, while one could take pleasure and joy in what had been achieved and how much improved how while much improved issues/problems/prejudices now just focused on different area of the gay experience (trans) rather than in earlier years with mere existence of gayness. The interviews with the performers were marvellous and inspiring and I felt great admiration for all that they had done and had to overcome.

A lack of mentorship and help (invariably available to non-Queer/gay comics came over as a big issue although not as much made of it as could have been. I feel that this would be worth further exploration.

But on considering what I had seen and heard, it would be too easy and not at all accurate to suggest that life and careers for such performers had been a steady progress, with year upon year of greater liberalization. But this would not be accurate as there  always seemed to be an area that was taboo or not to be mentioned; just as one area was  ‘allowed’, the barrier of a new area  popped up to take its place. It went something like this:

Can’t say you are gay…

Ok you can, but no jokes about ‘gay stuff/topics’…

Ok you can, but don’t mention family/marriage…

Ok you can, but do not talk about actual sex…

Ok you can, but beware and be very careful of transsexual/gender identity matters…


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