American Crime Story: The People vs O J Simpson Riveting re-enactment of 'the trial of the century'.

A first-rare series, very carefully done. It told the story very clearly and intelligently sympathetically, being very balanced. The title is somewhat double-edged as very many of the people were NOT against OJ and would, and did, vote in his favour even while all the evidence was against it.

It was fascinating seeing Robert Kardashian (father of Kim!!!) as a central and important character - and his doubt about his good friend OJ was very sympathetically shown- although as he was played David Schwimmer, THE most annoying of the Friends actors (and that is saying something), this did for me add an edge of irritation. It was a lovely irony to hear him seriously warn his young children about how dangerous and unimportant fame was and that being a good person was far more important when he was recognised and got special treatment once the membership of the ‘dream team’ were revealed. That lesson was well learnt by them wasn’t it!

OJ came across as a rather naively pathetic figure, baffled by everything and completely at the mercy of his team of ruthless slickster lawyers.

John Travolta was superb - had a marvellous balance of camp charisma and ruthless self-interest - but how ‘real’ was the Botox face?

While in one way the verdict was astonishing, in another it wasn’t, given the racial tensions (Rodney King…) that were festering and in the common memory. And it’s awful and painful seeing now how much effect it had - viz zero. the situation for African-Americans and the way the police force is out of control is exactly the same - and even worse in some respects.Nothing was learnt.

Fantastic series.

Seven Seconds: Admirably richly detailed series following impact of a hit-and-run accident by a young police officer that examines a commendably wide range of social situations and characteristics

The Sinner 3: Another superb continuation with wonderfully rich characterisation matching superbly told story