Baby Reindeer: An astonishingly powerful, disturbing and thought-provoking piece.

So much has been written about this series that I am now, a few weeks since it ‘dropped’ that I am not going to writhe at length about it but most of these remarks were made in the course of watching the series, rather than being considered and created after the series had completed. I liked the structure as this was marvelously tied in and greatly helped, the dramatic tension of the whole series.  During the, slightly shorter episodes,1-3, I was getting  increasingly irritated by the apparently gormless encouragement of the stalker. But then, in the notably lengthier Episode 4, there was a jaw-dropping and sensational twist which put everything in new, different and, to a degree, understandable light – and began to see similarities between them which emphasized at very end

However, the real villain was the abuser – the events in the 4th episode. Interestingly/worryingly, this got less PR/focus in the online and media responses although the apparent fact that insiders know the perpetrator is deeply disturbing. There was, and is, a worrying silence about male rape.

The final scene however was, potentially, deeply disturbing as it almost hinted/suggested that the whole stalking cycle was about to begin again – but perhaps this time with the protagonist as the stalker – or am I reading too much in to this?


Anthracite: Largely gripping Euro-thriller but no strikingly unique characteristics

Ripley. Unmissable in every respect. One of the best shows on Netflix - period.