Behind Her Eyes. Initially promising if somewhat unoriginal psychological thriller that rather loses it, big time, at the final fences.

Much has been said, from the time of the original novel’s publication, about the final twist (s) in this story and as the above title comment suggests, not always in a good way.

It starts off well with the three (four?) central characters being intriguingly introduced and their various traumas gradually being revealed and, to an extent, being thematically and emotionally connected. I certainly got involved in their stories and the gradual unfolding of layers was well done.

However when we came to the penultimate and final episodes and the twists appeared, it became rather less so and my reaction was approaching, if not the publisher’s original hashtag #WTFthatending, then something in that area of wide-eyed disbelief - sort of, ‘Really? that’s the way we’re going…?’

Still, in spite of this, it was involving - but very much at the time and when one considers it later, perhaps more calmly, it becomes rather less so.

The Queen's Gambit. Wonderful and very powerful film about troubled chess prodigy.

Top Boy: Summerhouse. Season 1 & Season 2. Transfixingly gripping and grimly realistic view of gang criminal life on grim estates in London