Blackspace. Series 1: Very darkly impressive Israeli series about a school shooting and the ramifications thereof.

It might sound rather strange to say how much I enjoyed a series like this, given the very dark subject matter but it dealt with the situation in a really thoughtful and involving way. As ever, it was events from the past that were the trigger for the events of now and the gradual revelation of ho different people and situations were all linked was very impressively done. the pacing of the whole series - and within each episode was excellent. Never did I feel that there was either too much crammed in one section or that a situation was being unduly protracted to no great dramatic effect.

It raised some interesting questions about the general and long-term life influences of educators - the Principal of the school Chanoch, was a most intriguingly drawn character, moving from being an agonised Principal having to deal with the almost unimaginable, to a manipulator of people and situations - sometimes for good reasons, others, eg the involvement of a ‘good’ family in a traumatic situation, for selfish and almost perverse reasons. My/our view of him also changed as the story unfolded and his character kept on changing - and/or we constantly saw different aspects of him.

The central detective Davidi initially seemed something of a cliché - personal trauma from the past/work/home conflicts with an imminent baby being a major cause but as the series unfolded he became more rounded and interesting although not always easy to like or admire (or indeed to work with).

The ending set things up for a second series (already in progress I believe) and it will be fascinating to see if our involvement can be maintained, particularly as a number of significant people are no longer with us.

13 Commandments. Dourly gripping Belgian 10 Commandments-based serial killer procedural

Lupin Part 2. As magically and grippingly entertaining as Part 1.