Bodyguard: Excellently plotted and twisty modern thriller that touches on a range of contemporary issues.

 This was an excellent thriller, well plotted with the twists and turns frequently unpredictable. Performances from all are excellent, particularly from Madden who marvellously suggests the coiled tension of a PTSD sufferer without lurching into melodrama. He conjures an intense screen presence and is not afraid to show weakness and sensitivity as well as allowing the more predictable aggressive outbursts. I did initially wonder if the relationship with the Home Secretary was going to dislodge the main thriller narrative guide, but it was effectively done and did not fall into this trap. Their first sexual encounter was very effectively and understatedly show – erotic but only using a few extreme close-ups to depict their passion. Commendable dramatic and stylistic control on behalf of the director there I felt.


In terms of the overall story arc, I much enjoyed the expert weaving together of a variety of elements – modern-day terrorism threats/political responses/internal party politics/government interdepartmental conflicts/personal issues and trauma. There was an excellent balance e between all of these elements and no one dominated to excess. Good fun.


Grand Army: A very fine. thoughtful and markedly above-average US high-school drama

Bodies: Riveting time-travel-based drama (4 time zones!) that needs to be seen to the dramatically and emotionally satisfying end before judgement.