Dear Child: Grimly gripping drama that superbly holds questions throughout.

A really pretty good, dark Euro-thriller. The tension was kept up very well, right until the end. The characterization was commendably rich and while some of the tropes of the genre were there, they were used in an interesting way – and the mistake was not made of making people in any way two-dimensional – clearly good or clearly bad; there was commendable ambiguity in how all were displayed.

The final episode did sometimes seem very slightly rushed but not enough to detract from the overall excellent quality of the show. There was a good sense of place too, which is always welcome in these sorts f shows; and it helps I think that they are often set in either remote rural or provincial town settings, not major cities of capitals.

Luther: The Fallen Sun. A decently dark, authentically London-based serial killer procedural.

The Diplomat: A gripping political drama but initially marred by too frequent lurches into soapy relationship issues.