Elite. Series 3. The absurdly sexy shenanigans continue apace.


It was a good idea to have a break from this after Seasons 1 and 2 - you CAN have too much of a good thing. But it did strike me that this series was more tightly organised than in the previous one, where the plotting seemed to get absurdly complicated with so many lines of development and, within those lines, constantly fluctuating relationships between the students. Here it seemed to be much clearer and one strand - the continuation of the Omar/Ander relationship was really very well done indeed; in their scenes, the dialogue, the thoughtfulness and the emotional power where needed was a a markedly higher level than in the other plot strands.

the music was a bit irritating at times - too often a bit over-loud and the lyrics too often rather heavy-handedly appropriate and/or ironical for the dramatic situation.

Still, gripping fun - and seeing the Short Stories was good as well. See my previous review of all of those.

Elite. Series 4. And so it goes on...as absurdly enjoyable as ever.

Thirteen Reasons Why. Remarkably dark, controversial and powerful series, slowly and painfully dissecting the aftermath of a teen suicide