Fanatico. Quirkily briefly-episodic little film that’s an exploration of fame.

This was an odd little piece – a relatively short film that was nevertheless divided into five short episodes, telling the salutary tale of a young rap fan, almost identical to his idol, who then – for a spell or permanently; the work was ambiguous about this – took on his role and, unsurprisingly, the experience was not what he expected.

For me the main interest and focus were the entourage who surrounded the title figure, who seemed pretty representative of the sort of entourage any highly successful performer would have. But it was not a flattering picture of them with their cold-eyed viewing of the main chance and with little care or concern for the artists.

But a world was well created and the episodic brevity of the whole thing was effective and original. Perhaps Net5flix are beginning to move away from 10+ episodes of an hour each to tell their stories. Yes, some are certainly needed but there have been cases where the pace and maintaining the requisite level of dramatic interest really have not worked at all and have not been justified by the quality of the material.


The Sandman. As good as it gets.

Uncoupled. Decently entertaining series that is as enjoyable as it is easy.