Gangs of Oslo. Grittily gripping urban thriller of the city underclass (dubbed)

This was a gripping and tightly written drama. Focusing on the urban underclass (Oslo, but, tbh, it could be almost any city with such an underclass with a significant immigrant element) its major theme, outside of the plot details per se, is how people get into and then out of, bad or toxic relationships and the moral decisions that are a central part of this process. All of the major characters, particularly Ramif and Moaz, were either in or wanting to get out of a bad relationship. This was the case, even if it was a lifelong one that started for positive, good reasons. The painful dilemmas that the situations threw up were  thoughtfully and powerfully shown and our emotional involvement with the characters was often a complicated and changing one – just as their relationships were.

There was a really dynamic narrative drive in the multitude of stories that made up this piece and this was helped by the fact that there were only 6 episodes. But the 50 minute length of each allowed for nuances to be explored while not slowing matters down. The way that the much younger generation could, and did, easily get seduced into this sort of lifestyle, even if they were, like Tarik, a very intelligent person with a supportive, albeit single-parent, family was powerfully and convincingly shown.

An impressive series then, with some intriguing hints briefly appearing in the final credit sequence which suggested that we have not heard the last of these people. I certainly hope not.

Bodies: Riveting time-travel-based drama (4 time zones!) that needs to be seen to the dramatically and emotionally satisfying end before judgement.

Tore: A thoughtful and entertaining drama with a fine emotional mix