Pose Series 3: Powerful and moving conclusion to the future classic series


It’s been a while since I saw this - slightly unusual for me as I usually like to post my responses very soon after I have viewed. I’m not sure why it has been a long time but, here goes…

It’s always tricky when you have seen and loved a series, such as I have with this, but then see what you know are going to be the final episodes. Will it be a dramatically and emotionally satisfying ending or will it be unsatisfactory as there are still questions to be answered. It’s very different to watching an unfolding series where you either know there is going to be another series (You) or are not sure if there is (Squid Game).

In this case, all was well. It was right that it ended even though there could still have been another series - but had there been it would have been more of a re-treading of old ground and not a dramatic and emotional progression. Her we left the characters (or their lives ended) in a way that was right and powerful and satisfying.

And the final scene was very touching as it brought us back to the very beginning with the somewhat depressing evidence that places such as the Ball Houses were still needed but perhaps of a different nature as the world and social and economic circumstances had changed. The Ball Houses were, to an extent, a product of a particular time and place and what we saw as the series unfolded was how they grew and developed (and helped to propel that growth, development and change) that was occuring in society. It was, finally, all very satisfying althuogh that is not to say that the world is now OK for those who live outside of the societal norms. The world keeps on turning but, in a number of respects, it has got better - which is not to say that there is not still a lot more that needs to be done. This series, and this final series in particular, got that right.

Midnight Mass. A wonderfully and darkly powerful drama that makes no concessions to the viewer and forces much serious thought.

Humans. Series 3. Conclusion of the remarkably thought-provoking and considered sci-fi drama