Special: web-based-but now-on-Netflix series on the life and times of a young gay man with cerebral palsy in LA


The outline above makes this sound like THE most woke series ever - but not so. Was sweetly appealing if not madly original in what trying to do. Much appreciated the brevity of each episode which ment there was no fat in the writng. Mother/son relationship perceptively shown - mutual co-dependence both required and objected to by both. Potential for future development certainly - and good that some characters, including central ones, not too sentimentally nice and virtuous. As was remarked ‘CP people can be a*******s too’!

The Politician: Series 1 & 2. The developing story of a frighteningly ambitious high school student whose intended final destination is the White House

Paranoid: Excellent, gripping British police procedural in relatively provincial setting.