The Sandman. Bonus double episode. Up to standard.

Well, what a wonderful surprise! The first, brief, ‘cat’ episode is really no more than a touching ‘what if’ speculation regarding cats and dreaming but the main interest in this were the stunning visuals. I am not sure about the exact technique used – I think it was probably a combination of techniques, which I had not seen before, but which was wonderfully powerful and effective. Was there Rotoscope/CGI/traditionally drawn…?

But the second, full length episode (Calliope) was excellent. There was a powerful drama there, grimly dark for much of it and it fitted in to the Dreamworld, giving us glimpses of possible future directions and storylines as well as filling in elements of Morpheus’s past – his relationship with Calliope, their son and their (now) intriguing relationship – and The Three Seers a.k.a. The Kindly Ones (as unhelpful as they were when they appeared in a previous episode) made another appearance.

Gameboys: Level-up Edition. An online Philippine boy romance develops into something rather richer and more interesting.

The Sandman. As good as it gets.