Young Royals Series 3. The gorgeous but more thoughtful than usual drama comes to its conclusion.

And so it’s come to its conclusion, the ending that everyone would have wanted and yes, it was pretty much a corny feel-good cliché. And the very final minutes where there were massive developments (WARNING: SPOILERS) splitting up/abdication/new successor/coming back together – yes they were hurried, rushed even, in very sharp contrast to the series as a whole and this final series in particular. But it pretty much worked.

By the end of the third episode, I particularly like the steady and thoughtful pacing which allows for the characters to think so that it is not all action/event/action/event. And this is confirmed after Episode 5 where the lack of action is really effective; if you had to summarise what happens in each episode then nit would be very brief – but it is really effective and involving - surprisingly.

The performances by the young cast were very fine, often subtle as they were given time to show emotional responses and development and were not rapidly pushed around by event-centred writing. The whole series was a good example of a thoughtful approach to teen love dramas – and helped, as many have said, by the fact that the actors actually looked their ages and did not have perfect skin and six-pack abs

The only significant flaw was the music; the music was awful. Greatly over-used, musically very dull and uninteresting and invariably is crudely and unnecessarily underling what is being developed on the screen. It is also characterised by what I call the 'drippy' style - one voice/little accompaniment and a very dully meandering quality to the melodic line; no drive whatsoever.Yuk!


Ripley. Unmissable in every respect. One of the best shows on Netflix - period.

Mary & George: Highly entertaining ‘historical’ romp.