Wish You; Your Melody From My Heart. Sweetly sentimental Korean BL drama


Apparently Korean BL films (boy love - disconcertingly creepy title with potentially very wrong implications I feel) are a ’thing’ and this is the first one I have seen. In spite of this, I alread get the sense that there are many common tropes and characteristics - lots of long lingering glances with unspoken feelings/social pressures and conflict/very slow and gradual build-up to first kiss or sexual encounter/separation ‘it cannot happen’ near the end which, in this film at least was REALLY milked - one character on a beach staring moodily out to a foaming sea - will he walk into it?/final acceptance and coming together/heavy-handed musical soundtrack emphatically underlining the emotions we should be or the characters are feeling at that point.

The understatement of the gay elements is appealing - socially necessary, given its source country? It (and its like) provided and very comfortable evening’s viewing.

Your Name Engraved Herein. Korean LGBTQ drama with a slightly harder edge than a typical BL movie.

Operation Hyacinth. Powerful and moving true-life 1980's-based Polish security drama