Anne Applebaum: Gulag; A history

Anne Applebaum: Gulag; A history

Considering what going to say...

Have now considered and...

Devastatingly powerful. Utterly astonishing what humans can survive physically and mentally and this shows it stunningly.

Astonishing too how once the system was at its height, almost everything seemed to be faked...the targets for the camps, the reports made, the work done ( or not done)...

One of most interesting sections was one of the final ones where she spoke to ‘real Russians’ about the past and their amazing unwillingness ( or inability?) to accept what their history was ( and is). Mind you I do wonder now if in many ways Russia’s media control is getting close to North Korea where people genuinely DO NOT KNOW what the truth is. Pretty terrifying thought particularly for the future...

Mary Beard: S.P.Q.R. A History of Ancient Rome

Mary Beard: S.P.Q.R. A History of Ancient Rome

Brian Whitaker: Unspeakable Love; Gay and Lesbian Life in the Middle East

Brian Whitaker: Unspeakable Love; Gay and Lesbian Life in the Middle East