Richard Sakwa:Frontline Ukraine; Crisis in the borderlands

Richard Sakwa:Frontline Ukraine; Crisis in the borderlands

Started this a week or so ago but going to put it aside for a bit as very dense and fact-heavy. Need to re-read ( and slowly) to fully understand.

Seems to have an interesting geo-political perspective. Not 'pro-Russian' per se as that implies simplistic assertions rather than argument, but has an interesting view of events from 1991 and how EU and NATO reacted and responded to Russia.

Also grimly fascinating as revealing utterly central role oligarchs played ( and continue to play?) in history of the country and its upheavals.

Owen Jones: Chavs; the demonization of the working class

Owen Jones: Chavs; the demonization of the working class

Ann Rule: The stranger beside me; the shocking inside story of serial killer Ted Bundy

Ann Rule: The stranger beside me; the shocking inside story of serial killer Ted Bundy