Gender: A Graphic Guide. Meg-John Barker & Jules Scheele

Gender: A Graphic Guide. Meg-John Barker & Jules Scheele

This, the third in the series, was just as illuminating and up-to-date as all the others. It manages to convey a vast amlount of infornation in a very accessible form without ever seeming to dumb down. In this one however, it was the uttrly central nature of intersectionality as it affects this topic which was mots informative. I reallly had not realised that you could not really start to know about and nundrestand this topic unless you took into account all the multitude of other ways in which gender, and how it is societally regarded are so intimattely connected. The other two books, while they acknowledge some aspects of this area, did seem to be able to more clearly stand on their own terms but it does not seem possible for this topic.

A superb series.

The Accidental Tsar: The Life and Lies of Vladimir Putin. Andrew S Weiss & Brian 'Box' Brown

The Accidental Tsar: The Life and Lies of Vladimir Putin. Andrew S Weiss & Brian 'Box' Brown

Sexuality: A Graphic Guide. Meg-John Barker & Jules Scheele

Sexuality: A Graphic Guide. Meg-John Barker & Jules Scheele