Gregory Wood: Homintern; How gay culture liberated the modern world

Gregory Wood: Homintern; How gay culture liberated the modern world

A rather hyperbolic title which, nevertheless contains more than some kernels of truth. It's a rapid overview of the last 200 years or so surveying the impact, explicit and implicit, of gay artists, politicians and social movements. It is remarkably thoroughly researched and cannot, given its scope, go into much detail about all of the fascinating and moving people and their lives that it covers. It is very well sourced though and would be very easy for the earnest reader wanting to follow up to do so.

The final chapter ( and paragraph in particular) is marvellously moving one, I felt and gives a powerful overview and summation of the aims of the book.

A marvellous read even though so information-stuffed. A summation of a lifetimes work?

Anne Applebaum: Red Famine; Stalin's War on Ukraine

Anne Applebaum: Red Famine; Stalin's War on Ukraine

John Jordan: Robots

John Jordan: Robots