Helen Carr: The Red Prince: John of Gaunt

Helen Carr: The Red Prince: John of Gaunt

My choosing to read this was an absolute impulse decision, having seen the book in Waterstones Stratford when I was there for the two Henry VI plays – and having toured Kenilworth Castle. This was, quite, illuminating as it did begin to flesh out the character that we know best from Shakespeare. He was certainly an impressive mover and shaker and to last as long as he did in that very dangerous environment was an achievement in itself. His loyalty was admirable.

But in an odd way, I still sort of have the sense of knowing the character, as an individual, better through Shakespeare than through this – although it was invaluable for putting his actions in their wider political context.  But interesting background and I have the feeling that I may well go on to read other biographies of Shakespeare’s characters. Richard III is coming up in early July…same place.

Christian Thielemann: My Life with Wagner

Christian Thielemann: My Life with Wagner

Rachel Hope Cleves: Unspeakable; A Life Beyond Sexual Morality

Rachel Hope Cleves: Unspeakable; A Life Beyond Sexual Morality