Stephen Pinker: Enlightenment Now; the case for reason, science, humanism & progress

Stephen Pinker: Enlightenment Now; the case for reason, science, humanism & progress

After a brief no -reading pause, back with a vengeance. This wonderfully dense and superbly encouraging about humanity...which is needed now. Love the way he uses vast amounts of data to make his case and shows it superbly clearly through graphs..virtually one on each page.

Halfway through....

Best thing about this is not the wide-ranging analysis of all aspects of society ( fascinating though that is) but rather the sense of an overview of the world as it is now and how hearteningly optimistic that is...particularly given the state of the world now.

And now finished. Fascinating and wonderfully optimistic. Very well written and amazing mastery of vast amounts of information.

A must-read ( if not at one sitting)

Richard Lloyd Parry: People who eat darkness; love, grief and a journey into Japan's darkness

Richard Lloyd Parry: People who eat darkness; love, grief and a journey into Japan's darkness

Karen Armstrong: A short history of myth

Karen Armstrong: A short history of myth