Carl Jackson: Victorian Bareknuckle League
This is the first edition of what I know is going to be a gripping and original series. I very much like the setting with its smart combination of historical accuracy (as far as I can judge) and creative, alternative history (?) steampunk ethos and ideas, the latter reflected in both the words and images.
Visually, the author - a highly versatile creative who as well as being a graphic novel creator is also a musician (and, not least, the city’s acknowledged, award-giving expert on one particular street food). The visuals of this publication make full and imaginatively creative use of space on the page, with each turn of the page revealing a new vista which is always perfectly in accord with the plot and character development.
So, a riveting start - and I gather from the author that current circumstances are allowing him freedom to continue and develop what will surely be a most impressive work.