Jasper Fforde: The Fourth Bear

Jasper Fforde: The Fourth Bear

Just HAD tp put this one up to give it some PR. This is the second in a gloriously funny series by one of the funniest authors writing in English today. It is set in a part of Englisnad which provides a refuge for inhabitants of rhymes and focuses on the Nursery Crime Departemt, in Reading and its main investigators Inspector Jack Spratt and Sergeant Mary Mary. And that probably gives you an idea of the nature of this work! The number of jokes per page is unbelievably ridiculous - almost as high as the jokes per minute rate of Airplane. But read this book if only to find out how the porridge of the Three Bears (who, as a species have a serious addiction to honey which is a controlled substance here) could remain at three different temperatures.

If you like this but want something that deals with other literary jokes, then try the Thursday Next series…

Madeline Miller: The Song of Achilles

Madeline Miller: The Song of Achilles

Jamie O'Neill: At Swim Two Boys & Michael Thomas Ford: Full Circle

Jamie O'Neill: At Swim Two Boys & Michael Thomas Ford: Full Circle