Classical Drag. Outernet, London. July 3rd 2024.

What a great idea – a marvellously original combination of many artistic traits and talents – classical musicians/drag Kings and Queen (who also have talent in classical music)/talent show scenarios and judges feedback/classic gay elements such as an appropriate ‘lewk’.

This was part of a larger celebration (Classical Pride) itself a part of national Pride Month celebrations. It provided a great chance to see another aspect of gay (multi) talents – and the standard of musicianship of all was excellent; I feared I would have to make some allowances but that was not the case at all.

I hope that the undoubted success of this will lead to it being a regular and perhaps larger feature of Pride celebrations – and maybe there are other arts forms that can be combined as they were here – acting springs immediately to mind…

London Tide. Lyttleton Theatre (NT) London. June 1st 2024