This was a madly wild, deliriously druggy modern version of the play, marked by fantastic energy from all on the stage, from the opening moments to the conclusion. I should say at the outset that it was performed entirely in Hungarian, with no surtitles and while I know the play well, I have no Hungarian, although some crucial aspects were told to me by my fluently Hungarian-speaking companion. Significant information, like the constant use of aggressively modern language, some political references and an explanation of the ending with three possibilities being enacted (the ‘traditional as written in the play’ ending/R & J riding away together into the sunset/Juliet giving up on Romeo and marrying Paris) providing a fascinating conclusion.
The (longer) first part set the scene and mood although at times there were sequences that, while effective, were just over-extended, most notably the scene with Benvolio and his request for a boiled egg (you need to see the play to understand this…).
The much faster-moving and shorter second ‘part, starting with the Capulet’s ball had fantastic drive and verve with a chaotically active, and yet carefully planned movement from all characters.
I think I need to try and catch one of the rare performances where they provide English surtitles; I am sure IL would get even more from it than I did this time.