The Doll of Kokoschka MUPA Budapest February 1st 2017

The Doll of Kokoschka MUPA Budapest

February 1st 2017

I went to this fantastic, baffling and exciting theatrical event last night. The links below gives an idea of what the work was basically ‘ saying’ but to experience it directly and closely was thrilling. Fully admit and deeply ignorant of dance…do not understand/know language if using stylised formal movement to tell story, explore ideas and feelings but think must try to self-educate. Synetic Theatre in DC nearest I suppose but that not nearly so formal. If I can do it with the formality and conventions of opera then sure can with movement. As ever, I was astonished at what dancers can do with their bodies. They truly are the ultimate athletes. I did get a of moments of feeling but did find it difficult to get a sense of the whole and of an overall structure of the work.
Still, it was a great experience in stunning hall to which must return. And the amazing prices…

Video ‘trailer’:
 Info from MUPA site: (this was for a later performance but the best I could find re helpful information)




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