Recirquel: Solus Amor. Tues Nov 2nd 2021

I had certainly heard of this group but, inexplicably, had never got organised enough to see - sorry, experience - them. More fool me!

This was a stunning piece of physical theatre/modern dance/performance gymnastics/circus skills in an at times literally breathtaking show. It consisted of a number of ‘movements, on aspects of love which, to be honest, I did not alwasy immediately see and appreciate - possibly because I am deeply inexperienced in responding to dance/movement-only theatre and I fear I did miss some fine aspects of the performance.

For me it was an appreciation of the technical skill in all the areas mentioned above that was most astoinishing and riveting. Bravery was certainly a major element, given some of the throwing and catching, rapidly descending silks, while the controle dmeonstarted was absolutely extraordinary - sitting in the fourth row back I barely ever heard the sound of feet making contact with the floor.

The other marvel of this was the degree of trust necessarily shown by the performers in each other and the hours of rehearsal that must have gone into it. And I found myself able to balance a degree of an emotional response to marvelling at the physical skills shonw every moment.

The two polar bear puppets -mother and child - were wonderful and moving and I was not surprised to read that a puppeteer/director who had been involed with Handspring Puppet Company (creators of the famous Warhorse) was centrally involved in the process.

So, another new, must-see company to support.

Anthony Roth Costanzo. Arias. MUPA, Budapest April 7th 2022

Beethoven concert MUPA Budapest Feb 22nd 2020