Call Me By Your Name

Wonderful. Beautifully observed and acted picture of a (the) passionate first love of one life with the added tension of it being a gay, age-difference one taking place in Elio's parents house. The relationship ( and it was that and a deep and wonderful one too) was wonderfully acknowledged by E's Father at the end with a gloriously moving and empowering speech about love and relationships that may well be the one thing I most remember about the film ( peaches notwithstanding).

The photography was superb, capturing the glowing glory of European summers which was a reflection too of the glory and pain of the relationship. Acting matched this.

Other than this I don't want to say more as you need to see this to see how marvellous it is. Simply talking about peaches and the age-different gay relationship ( which has, with dull predictability been much of the public image of the film in the non-intelligent press...the majority of course) demeans and diminishes it terribly.

So just see...

La La Land

I, Tonya