
'Lawks,what larks!' Wonderfully entertaining fun that lived up to the promise of the trailers. I was totally unaware of this character in the MCU but what I think makes him different is that he is an adult not an adolescent which, to a great or lesser extent, surely all the other comic superheroes are.Batman is surely the moody adolescent, particularly in Nolans interpretation.

'Oh God,Alfred, you just don't understand!'. *storms off and slams door of batcave*

Deadpool is an adult with adult feelings and relationships...and the best relationship he has is with the audience as the is constant breaking of the ' fourth wall' right from the start,either by direct address or, most entertainingly like at the start,where gum is stuck on the camera lens! We are always aware that we are watching a film and there are countless witty references to other films and characters in the MCU, to the whole idea of making a film and what one has to do, some lovely digs about X men and the franchise, who actually provide a common mocking thread running through the whole film.

Reynolds is superb...charming and funny and is well supported by the rest of the cast.

From the opening ( where the credits make fun of the genre stereotypes) to the genuinely amusing post credit sequence that is beautifully judged, every element has been treated both lovingly and mockingly. I really feel that a sequel will/could/should be as good as long as they continue to develop and do not simple re-tread what they have done which is normally the story of sequels, particularly for comic book heroes.

Great film, great fun.

The Big Short

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies