

Comprehensive and endearing portrait of a protean talent...not just for the volume of his output but the range...from early abstract expressionism, through the portraits and places of California through the use of technology...iPhone, then iPad not to mention trad photographs and the wonderful stunningly vibrant recent work, on a massive scale that Illuminatthe countryside of both the USA and the U.K..and for both manages, in my view, to capture his essence.

The bio is worked in well with the work and there are no Davi,e parallels made. Was intrigued by many of the talking heads but we were only told enough about them to indicate why they were taking part...and all were clearly very dear and close personal friends. He seems to have a real gift for doing that. The impact of AIDS was dealt with very effectively...neither too much nor to little.

Lovely film then, with marvellous music but perhaps a tad too long?


Maggies's Plan