
This version of the play was very fine indeed. It focused,particularly visually, on the brutal tribalism that is one of the many underlying aspects of the play...the sort of world where 'unseaming him from the nave to the chops' made sense. Much of the action took place in the open air in beautiful and harsh scenery and even when one was inside it seemed that nature, cold and wet was never very far away. Much action took place on or the edges of battlefields, in muddy areas where all lived in tents.

The witches were looming presences suggesting their influence over the events.

The two central performances were very fine...not the best couple I have seen but very powerful. I was not sure about how their closeness and intimacy was shown ( crucial in their depiction I think).. They both seemed to very much live and feel externally, if that makes sense but I may get a better view and understanding of this if I see it a second time. Their. Emotions and feelings were. Dry effectively shown by the colour palette used by the director with some stunning battle images that recalled Apocalypse Now where the rich gorgeousness of the colours...the fiery reds and oranges in particular...were at once beautiful and terrifying.

Hail, Caesar

The Hateful Eight