Hail, Caesar


I did enjoy this film but for much of it felt that it old have gone further and so been more effective in many ways. The satire could have been sharper and more focused..like the overall plotting, it at times seemed to be too diffuse and under-focused. Only in the final section did the many plot strands seem to begin to come together in a tighter and more coherent structure. For much of it, we seemed to get started on one strand which was then dropped in favour of a new one. This I felt was clearest in the film parodies/tributes. The were, in themselves , very well done..stylistically perfect and yet often with a witty wink at their innate absurdity. Scarlett Johansenn in the Esther Williams style parody was a good example. Caught the type of film perfectly but, in terms of the film as a whole, how central was it. Yes her character was, but the enjoyably lengthy parody..? Likewise the super Channing Tatum number. The makers great live and affection for these films and the system that produced was clear and I much liked the way once we had got fully involved in the film-within-the-film, that the camera drew back so that we could see the artificiality of the process.

Clooney was super in his role and if my remarks above sound somewhat grudgingly grumpy, then this is not the whole picture. I came out smiling and having thoroughly enjoyed it.

The Danish Girl
