

This was first rate. A powerful and moving story of a boy with special powers who was wanted by all...his birth mother, the USA military et al, his religious community I. Which he lived..and all as they saw a role or a use for him. He was whatever each of these groups needed and as the film unfolded ( slowly and powerfully with nuggets of information being carefully divulged) he gradually came into himself, realised who he was and where he belonged. The unusual electronic score was a great asset to the mood conveyed throughout.

The climax was spectacular and a great example of SFX being used for a powerful and emotional end...it gave meaning and fulfilment, as well as great emotional power to the whole steadily unfolding story. But as some commenters have said, the final scenes of the main characters lives, shot in careful and slow close up were a truly powerful and thought-provoking end to the film. Superficially it has similarities to ET and Close Encounters and while the emotional impact of those films is not a blatantly manipulative and calculated, the approach is essentially more mature and equally powerful. As I remarked earlier, this is a film for those of emotional maturity and the film maker ( a great talents seems to be able to constantly produce unique and idiosyncratic films that have nothing in common) pays the audience the compliment of treating them as intelligent and thoughtful beings.

The Boss

Green Room