

Excellent addition to the canon I think. I do like Craig...he's got some of the smoothness of Connery but also a welcome hard edge which adds some enjoyable realism to the character and scenarios and the humour is occasional, very straight-faced and unblinking and I suppose, in that way, very British.

The title song sequence was SUPERB! The visuals were stunning...as good as any from the past...and the creeping and swamping tentacles were a superb image for the whole film and the later back stories that wee unfold at the end. Liked Sam Smith's performance although I did find the top falsetto

A little overdone in places but the performance as a whole ( and as a piece of music) had a distinct Shirley Bassey feel...and I don't think you can make a higher compliment than that when talking about Bond title songs.

The plot was pretty good and entertaining and there was a good rhythmic and structural sense to the film in terms of action set pieces and necessary exposition...they seem to have the balance right now. The set pieces were very entertaining and spectacular and I can understand why I counted over 100 stunt people in the end credits! They seemed almost plausible on many occasions but there was still the stunned disbelief element which made one say ' no, that's not possible' which is a good balance to have.

I did feel that there were some plot holes( or to be fairer,more unclear exposition) in parts of the film particularly as the story unfolded from one exotic location to another.

However towards the end with the reveal as to who the super villain was and how they had been instrumental in many/ most of the previous films in this cycle...this I did find unconvincing. It was as if the writers are trying too hard to make connections and tie everything up with a neat if probably rather bloodstained bow.but then I did hear that the script was problematical at various stages and that the ending in particular had to be, apparently, largely re done almost as they were filming...but this may just be Internet gossip. Not convincing I am afraid.

The fuss about ' the older Bond woman' was rather ridiculous. She had a very minor part early on and that was it.

And again, on plot information and backstory at the end, the family connections were NOT convincing. It was a matter of ' what? Where on earth did THAT come from?'.

Good fun though and will be interesting to see where it goes from here.

The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution

Secret in Their Eyes