Secret in Their Eyes

I throughly enjoyed this thoughtful, well- plotted thriller that was as much about relationships, failed and otherwise and guilt as it was a police procedural. Based on the Oscar winning Best Film of a few years ago, I read, after viewing, a very dismissive Guardian review of it which, because it closely compared the two films, much to the detriment of this one. I felt I could understand their lives but having no point of comparison I much enjoyed the remake...although in general, remakes if foreign films are rarely successful and often pointless ( Funny Games anyone?)

Bullock was superb as the driven haggard policewoman coming to terms with her daughters murder many years ago and the movement back and forth between the two tine orris was well done although one needed to keep ones wits about one to keep track. Visually and as a film it was fine...nothing special but it is a largely character driven piece, with Ejiofor's unrequited love for Kidman in her unhappy marriage was powerful and moving.

The two big plot twists near the end were impressive..I suppose some may say ' oh yes, saw it coming' but even so they were dramatically and emotionally convincing which, when it comes down to it, is what matters.

A sound good thriller which I recommend.


The Martian