Straight Outta Compton

When I first read of the film my initial reaction was that this was a film I would not be interested... A dramatized history of rap?!!

But then I read of its reaction, spoke to several people whose judgement I trusted ( who unanimously said it was superb) and so I went...and with John who had already seen it but was, unusually, very keen to see it it again.

I am so glad I did. It's superb. What surprised me most was, particularly in the first half, how funny it was. It was also sad that much of what was shown Bout police harassment was still very true today. Some things...

The running time of 2 hours plus went amazingly quickly..although the latter half did have a slightly hurried air with many aspects of the story being briskly dispatched before moving on to the next element-but as the original running time was apparently an hour longer that is perhaps understandable.

Rivetingly good then.

Pawn Sacrifice

Black Mass