Pawn Sacrifice

A fascinating film with Maguire showing his acting chops. The sad and gripping story of Bobby Fischer, centering in his Reykjavik match with the enigmatic Spassky, the visible representative of the old Soviet Empire...but was it a little melodramatic to have him almost constantly in dark glasses?

The ending which briefly filled in the conclusion of Fischer's life was a touching coda to the film.

I also admired how they managed to get a child actor playing the young bobby who really did look like a mini Tobey Maguire.

A quietly effective film...although at the start, showing Fischer at his most paranoid, I did wonder if the cinematic style was going to be excessively over-stylized and dramatic...lots of extreme close-ups, Dutch angles and an exaggerated soundtrack but this was used sparingly but effectively. Indeed the opening scene heard,strongly reminded me of the ultra sensitive Poe character in 'The Tell-tale Heart'. ( think it was that sure lit friends can correct me if not)

The Diary of a Teenage Girl

Straight Outta Compton