Tale of Tales


A fabulous , in the proper sense of the word, and richly exotic film. If you like the visual style of Guillermo del Toro then you will love this. Consists of three sort-of-related old fairy tales from Europe but not your tweely sentimentalised Disney version; these are the real, dark thing. The director and writer manages to wholly convince us of these worlds and events and there is a masterly control of style..humour both light and black, really passion and excitement, powerfully moving scenes...

It's been out a while but only just now has it been released here. A MAJOR thank you to Franz Corrales both for drawing my attention to the film and making me aware of the marvellous Angelika Pop-up cinema at Union Market. Was aware if it for a while but, much to my regret, never got there till now, a few weeks before I leave!

Green Room

Captain America: Civil War