The Danish Girl

This was a beautifully judged gem of a film. The visuals from the opening sequence to the matching closing one were magical and there was a marvellous sense of a place and a time being perfectly captured, particularly the colours of Copenhagen. The colour palette particularly in the costumes was both vivid and subdued which, as one focus is on the lives of artists was only true and correct.

The image of this film is that it is centrally about Eddie Redmayne as the brave transgender pioneer Einar Wegener but I feel it is more a marvellous love story between Eddie and the luminousA lice Vikander who really steals every moment she is on the screen.Her commitment to him. Her gradual understanding and acceptance of him is wonderfully powerful and moving and it is clear that she, to the very end, loves the person she has married, whatever their gender may eventually turn out to be.

I do hope that one efforts is at least nominated for an award and it should be Vikander, impressive though Redmayne is.

The music added another subtle layer of emotion, always adding to each scene but not obtrusively so.


Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Hail, Caesar