The Martian

'Lawks, what fun' as a Cockney Dickens character might say! Laughter and thrills all the way. Damon was marvellous as the titular figure...believable as the titular figure ( all the science, I understand, U.S. Pretty spot on which may explain why at times I could not following or wished for a pause button) and the use of humour came over as totally real for remarkable people like astronauts and their use of it. The script was always sharply witty too and this combo was a magic and effective one.i saw it in 3D and it was the way to see it. Never, for a frame, did I feel that it was used just for its own sake as its use gave us a full and moving sense of the infinite and unforgiving nature of space.

Music was well chosen too although the running gag about the commanders love of 70's funk was wearing a little thin at the end.

Damon made a marvellous great hero and an Everyman...he seems to have this ability and his charm, given how much time he had on screen, was essential. I felt there was a lightness of touch that we do nit often get its recent Scott films...that turgid Biblical epic, anyone? So will wait fir his future films with even more eager anticipation than I had before.

The other thing that was marvellous and important about this was that in away it was almost an ode and a love letter to NASA showing how wonderful and important they are, particularly given the grimly economically and socially Neanderthal times we are in here in the USA and the clown car show.

So a superb example of thoughtful and gripping entertainment.

Secret in Their Eyes
