A film recipe:
Take the richly saturated, often obviously symbolic colors of Almodovar ( via Powell & Pressburger)
Add a good dash of the cold sexual perversity of David Cronenberg
Sprinkle with a few de Palma early 70's lingering admiration of the nude female form ( back-lit shower scene optional but recommended)
Mix well with the Gothic plot sensibilities of Guillermo del Torro
Back with a largely electronic soundtrack that pays passing homage to Hallowe'en and that is aurally beautiful and what do you have?
Answer. This weird/strange/silly/ jaw-dropping film!
I think I enjoyed this. The absurd non-sequiturs and random imagery that could b really annoying was, by and large, offset by the visual style so I suppose I admit that in this case style triumphed over content. Probably shouldn't happen but when it does, in this way, to this extent, it can be pretty damn good.