The Neon Demon

A film recipe:

Take the richly saturated, often obviously symbolic colors of Almodovar ( via Powell & Pressburger)

Add a good dash of the cold sexual perversity of David Cronenberg

Sprinkle with a few de Palma early 70's lingering admiration of the nude female form ( back-lit shower scene optional but recommended)

Mix well with the Gothic plot sensibilities of Guillermo del Torro

Back with a largely electronic soundtrack that pays passing homage to Hallowe'en and that is aurally beautiful and what do you have?

Answer. This weird/strange/silly/ jaw-dropping film!

I think I enjoyed this. The absurd non-sequiturs and random imagery that could b really annoying was, by and large, offset by the visual style so I suppose I admit that in this case style triumphed over content. Probably shouldn't happen but when it does, in this way, to this extent, it can be pretty damn good.

The Lobster

The Legend of Tarzan