A characteristically lush and original vision. The smooth fluidity of the camera movement is I think a major element in helping us to identify and empathise with the central characters.
It is a gorgeous and poignant love story but also manages, subtly, to give us a picture of American society at the time the events take place...Sputnik spacecraft time. The casual racism and homophones is just glancingly referred to but helps to set the time and place and enrichen and deepen the picture given.
Marvellously self effacing performances from all and it was interesting that I felt I perceived a connection between the central villain and his favoured weapon the 'Alabama how-de-doody' electric cattle products This character recalled the sadistic army captain in Pans Labyrinth. Sorry reference vague but if u have seen the film you will know.
Some nice cinematic subtleties too...the use of red to convey happiness and passion ( subtly done) and the villains rotting fingers symbolising his evil and corruption. It sounds thumpingly obvious but itvreallyvworked for me.
Super visionary film that I loved.